
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We hope that everyone is having a great Thanksgiving. We have so many things to be thankful for and I just thought we would list a few.

I am thankful for:

- My amazing Husband

- My two adorable sons

- My Parents, brothers and sisters

- My in-laws

- The Gospel

- Our beautiful house

- Our cars

- Living near so many Temples

- Digital Photography

- Chocolate

- great food


-Technology(computers, Internet, TV etc...)

- Health

- being able to spend so much time with my family and having my husband home all the time.

-Movies especially the once that I watch with my boys.

and my list goes on . . .

Skye's list.

I am grateful for:

-The Gospel

-The Atonement that made repentance possible

-The Son of God who atoned for us all

-Our Father who sent his only Begotten unto us to bridge the gap of spiritual death

-My wife, two sons, and any other children to come

-The best job ever, friends who happen to also be my managers, and co-workers

-Only having to work a few hours a day is another good one too

-Oh, and let's not forget, Kung Fu Panda, amongst many other things and people which I neglect to mention because they are innumerable



carter said...

Hey Davsil! This is Krissly! I found your blog and your little boys are so cute!! I have a blog also but it is private send me your email and I'll add you. Email it to